Wednesday, March 21

Cal Accepts CTE and Distinguished Nomination

By Leo Postovoit
Editor In Chief

Cal-Hi Administrators are expecting a March 29 visit from the California Department of Education to decide if Cal-Hi will be awarded the Distinguished School Award, after receiving an official nomination two weeks ago.
"This year was the first time we’ve met and exceeded the requirements," said Assistant Principal Mickie Yuchno. "Our API score [of 721] exceeded the minimum 595."
If awarded, Cal-Hi will be just the second high school in the Whittier Union High School District (WUHSD) to win this award. La Serna High School has won the award three times in the past.
According to Yuchno, the award does not bring any money, rather, it is just a commendation of the school’s "excellence."
"It’s a really big deal," said Yuchno. "Only 94 high schools [of all California high schools] were eligible, and of the 48 that applied, only 13 won last year."
Cal-Hi has chosen Government Teacher Pat Hodges’ classroom, E101, as the central organization room for the visitation. In addition to the various Americana including a 48 star flag and old presidential pins, the classroom has ten years of Girls League Board memorabilia, a board dedicated to Cal-Hi in the news, and a banner above her white board with the words "This is Condor Territory."
"My classroom is what Cal’s all about," said Hodges. "It has history, it has energy. We want the committee to see the best Cal-Hi has to offer."
Hodges also mentioned that Cal-Hi has four out of five schools receiving special State Academy grants.
"It’s a true honor," said Principal Rich Boline. "I’ll be disappointed if we don’t win it."
Cal-Hi also qualified for a secondary award, the Exemplary Career Technical Education Award (CTE), which would laud the academies and praise the ROP programs. According to Boline, it may streamline the path to even more success. The visiting committee visited the campus yesterday.
"We have five academies here at Cal, and according to [State Superintendent Jack] O’Connell, we may be getting additional academies, perhaps a construction academy," said Boline.
"They will get to see students’ learning skills that will help them succeed in college as well as in the career of their choice," said Health Academy Chairperson Shellie Jones.
Hospitality House Chairperson Susan Sones is excited about the visit.
"They’ll see the culinary team in action," said Sones. "They’ll see a wonderful room set up for them and get to taste a lot of good food."
According to Boline, Cal-Hi’s program and style of technical education is unique, and the CTE would fit Cal’s "strive for excellence."
"I sure hope we get it," said Senior Brittany Torres.
A team of teachers and administrators including Government Teacher Lora Yorch and English Teacher John Hochadel spent more than "two solid weeks" writing the reports, according to Yorch.

Ancich Resigns: Cal Begins Search for Replacement

By Abeni Moreno
Staff Writer

He single-handedly revamped the Cal-Hi football program. He led the Condors to a highly-contested Del Rio League title. And now, he’s leaving. After three football seasons as Cal-Hi’s Head Varsity Football Coach, Dusan Ancich has decided to resign.
"It is time to make a bigger move," said Ancich.
Ancich is currently interviewing for a coaching position at local community colleges.
"I have four interviews lined up from different schools," said Ancich.
Cerritos Community College is his current "top choice" -- coaching at Cerritos would allow him to continue teaching his weight training class at Cal-Hi.
Cal-Hi faculty, students, and football players were disheartened at the announcement of his resignation.
"He did a heck of a job and the reason is because his players respect him and play hard," said Athletics Director John Horwath. "Parents also like him as a coach and when you have respect from both parents and kids, you know he has done a good job."
According to Visko Ancich, Assistant Varsity Offensive Coordinator and older brother of Dusan, there is a discouraging lack of support from Whittier Union High School District (WUHSD) officials.
"This makes me feel upset and depressed," said Visko Ancich. "He is one of the most determined and hard working coaches in the league."
Cal-Hi Varsity football players said they are dismayed that they have lost their coach.
"He is like one of the guys," said former Varsity football player Senior Troy Adams. "He wants to know about you and your life and interested in what you have to say."
"He taught us to be men," said Senior Varsity football player Rick O’Connor.
According to the team, the Cal-Hi football program will suffer a great loss next season.
"He is a definite coach," said Senior Varsity football player Albert Zambrano. "He does his job when it needs to be done and is the kind of coach to build a relationship with."
The process for replacing Ancich has begun.
"We are now waiting for applicants at this point and we have had some contact with them," said Co-Athletics Director Leonard Espinoza. "We are looking for an applicant who will carry on what Ancich provided for Cal-Hi."
According to Principal Rich Boline, at least eleven applicants have shown interest in the position of Head Varsity Football Coach, with some coming as far as New Jersey.
"I have noticed a lot of growth in the program since Ancich began coaching," said Boline. "It’s a known fact we have a good program and Ancich is the kind of guy who is really dedicated to his athletes."
"He made a positive addition [to the staff]," said Espinoza. "Hopefully we find someone like him."
Several WUHSD administrators said they were unable to comment on the specific circumstances of his resignation. However, Ancich has personally spoken to his football team about his resignation.
"[The football team] is sad," said Ancich. "[They] are down about it."
During his three-year coaching career, he said he had the opportunity to get to know some "amazing" players "who were invited to my family dinners at home," said Ancich
Not only has it hit Cal-Hi, it has hit home.
"My children looked up to them [the football players] as heroes," said Ancich. "It will be hard for my family not to interact with the players anymore."
This past season, Ancich led the Condors to their first Del Rio title in recent years. Ancich said his main goal, however, was to make it to the CIF finals.
He is credited for refinements in training and structure of the football program, which has led to an overall more cohesive team. Ancich incorporated station-to-station rotations, more effective techniques in the weight room, and study halls for players who needed help in school. Not only did Ancich work with Varsity, he also integrated freshman and varsity teams so they now work interdependently.
"Before Ancich there wasn’t as much school spirit and not much unity on the team," said Zambrano.
Adams and Zambrano said Ancich used to gather his team to listen to last minute formations to prep them before they went out onto the field.
"The whole team would meet in the dungeon [Ancich’s classroom near the big gym] and watch inspirational movies like ‘Remember the Titans,’" said Zambrano.
Zambrano said they watched that movie so many times that they were able to finish the lines.
"He is a great leader and inspired a lot of Cal-Hi spirit," said A.S.B President and Senior football player Kschristopher Anda.
The Condor football website at features pictures of the big Varsity win against the Santa Fe Chiefs on October 13 as well as pictures of players speaking at a WUHSD board meeting regarding the resignation of Ancich.